11900 Plantside Drive, Jeffersontown, KY 40299, United States

Realtor Listings
"Louisville's Commercial Floor Cleaning Experts"
As a realtor, you understand the importance of a clean and inviting home. That's why our floor cleaning services are the perfect solution for you. We specialize in cleaning all types of floors, from hardwood to carpet, and vinyl plank flooring to tile. And while we mostly clean commercial buildings, we also clean several residential homes each week, especially for realtors and their clients.
And as every realtor knows, smelly homes are tough to sell. Which is why in addition to cleaning the floors with excellent sanitizers and deodorizers, we also can provide a whole-house sanitizing treatment using ozone, a nature's all-natural amazing sanitizer and deodorizer. Think of ozone as an all-natural airborne bleach. This treatment will sanitize every surface of your home, including inside your air vents and cabinets, leaving your clients with a clean and healthy living space.